Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Take Home or In-Class?

This was a hot topic in my BI class for two weeks. I am not a big believer in exams, I keep exams in my courses because they should be there.In this class, there's one exam that is worth 10% of the final grade, students wanted it to be take home. Exams are by default in-class tests, therefore take-home test advocates were trying to persuade others to agree on a take-home tests. Everyone agreed and here's the exam: on my Class e-mail GDoc.  
image on the left: from here.

The exam covers LogReg, DTree, KNN, Clustering, and MBR, is designed to be completed in 5 hours or less, and is based on SAS EM but questions can be answered using any other DM software as well. This is the first BI exam I created, for my professional master's BI class last semester, I used Dr. Douglas's in-class exam.

As a first exam, I am happy because I had a few interesting discussion based on the question: comparing models based on Cumulative Lift, understanding importance of  Expected Confidence in MBR rules, examining MBR rules that contain everyday essentials (items with very high expected confidence) on the right side, understanding the MBR rules with no time information, examining & redoing clusters based on application needs, and articulating business recommendation based on findings.

Please take a look and share your opinions with me.

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